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Friday, September 30, 2016


The website that I chose is 

  • Effectiveness IT Metric - measure the impact IT has on business processes and activities including customer satisfaction, conversation rates, and sell-through increases.
  • Efficiency IT Metric - measures the performance of the IT system itself including throughput, speed, system availability, information accuracy, web traffic and response time.

  • Usability 
Usability is the ease with which people perform transactions and/or find information. A popular usability metric on the Internet is degrees of freedom, which measures the number of clicks required to find desired information. In other words, the information gained are easy for users to access and find the seconds they click. If the users try to access the websites and it's does not work, for whatever reasons, that means the website itself become worthless. For instant, LAZADA provides information on online banking and making any purchasing so that their customer are aware in making transaction.

  • Customer Satisfaction

Measured by such benchmarks as satisfaction surveys, percentage of existing customers retained and increases in revenue dollars per customer. LAZADA made the satisfaction of their customers as their priority in their business. For instant, on the upper side of the website they provided a customer care or customer center so that their customer can voice up their opinion. This shows that they really manage their customer well. They also provide an account for the user to use their website to know their existing customer. 

  • Conversation Rates

The number of customers in organization “touches” for the first time and persuades to purchase its products and services. This is a popular metric for evaluating the effectiveness of banner, pop-up and pop-under ads on the Internet. Since LAZADA is the biggest e-commerce that is well-known in Malaysia, it can influence many customers from different target market to actually make a purchasing for an item or items. 


  • Throughput
The amount of information that can travel through a system at any point. In this case, LAZADA website provide a lot of information regarding their product line ranging from fashion, consumer electronics to household goods, toy and sport equipment. LAZADA also segmented their section neatly for instant, men's section, women's section, home and living, electronics and sports and travels.

  • Transaction Speed
The amount of time a system takes to perform a transaction. As we know, the more faster the transaction are done, the highest customer satisfaction it can get. For instant, when a users using LAZADA as a medium to make a transaction which involve online banking and card credit number, it can become slow as it involve high security to secure their customer's privacy as a password and account are needed. 

  • System Availability 
The number of hours a system is available for users. LAZADA website can be access 24/7 with the use of internet connection. LAZADA is giving their best service towards their customers as the website provided medium of purchasing the items which is online banking that operates 24 hours a day.

  • Information Accuracy

The extent to which a system generates the correct results when executing the same transaction numerous times. LAZADA will show the same information no matter how many times the user access the website. For example, the user wanted to add an item to the cart in order to purchase them. The next day when the user access the website again to complete the order, the information of the item such as the price, warranty,the dealer and type of goods are still the same as nothing changes.

  • Web Traffic 

Includes a host of benchmarks such as the number of page views, the number of unique visitors, and the average time spent viewing a web page. 

  • Response Time

The time it takes to respond to user interactions such as a mouse click. For instant, when the users want to get information of any items in LAZADA website, they just have to click once to get all of the details of one item as it provided them in one page. 

Friday, September 16, 2016


Failed information technology implementations have created serious financial problems for a number of corporation. Hershey Food Corporation, for example, issued a major profits warning because of massive distribution problems following the flawed implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. This resulted in many stores lacking Hershey products before Halloween and Christmas. Whirpool Corporation had problems due to a problematic ERP implementations. Problem with an ERP implementation at the pharmaceutical distributor FoxMeyer caused the company to announce a $500 million lawsuit against SAP and Andersen Consulting (now Accenture). British organizations, include the BBC and Newcastle University, also experienced major ERP implementation problems.

Adapted from : Gordon, J.R. (2002) Organizational Behavior. A Diagnostic Approach. 7th ed. Pearson. Upper Saddie River, New Jersey.


Describe three (3) effects of ERP failure based on the case study above.

i)   Can created serious financial problems toward the corporation
ii)  Many stores are lacking of the product of the corporation due to ERP failure which means that it can disturbed the flows of an organization.
iii)  Lawsuit occurs between vendor and user of ERP


Describe four (4) factors that organization should assess in choosing ERP vendor.

i)  Flexible- an ERP system should be flexible and quick in order to respond to the changing needs of an enterprise.

ii)  Modular and open- an ERP system has to have open system architecture, meaning that any module can be interfaced with or detached whenever required without affecting the other modules. The system should support multiple hardware platforms for organizations that have a heterogeneous collection of systems. It must also support third- party add-on components.

iii) Comprehensive- an ERP system should be able to support a variety of organizational functions and must be suitable for a wide range of business organizations.

iv) Beyond the company- an ERP system must not be confined to organizational boundaries but rather support online connectivity to business partners or customers.


Air Asia was established in 1993 and started operations on 18 November 1996. it was originally founded by the government - owned conglomerate DRB-Hicom. On December 2, 2001, the heavily - indebted airline was purchased by former Time Warner executive, Tony Fernandes's company Tune Air Sdn.Bhd for the token sum of one ringgit.

Through the slogan ' Everyone Can Fly ', Fernandes proceeded to engineer a remarkable turnaround turning a profit in 2002 and launching new routes from its hub in Kuala Lumpur International Airport at breakneck speed, undercutting former monopoly operator Malaysia Airline with promotional fares as RM1 ( US$ 0.27)
Air Asia operates schedule domestic and international flights and is Asia's largest low fare, no frills airline. Air Asia pioneered low cost travelling in Asia which then followed by Tiger Airways, Jetstar, Nok Air, Lion Air and Cebu Pacific. It is also the first airline in the region to implement fully ticketless travel and unassigned seats.

Air Asia operates with the world's lowest unit cost of US$ 0.023/ ASK ( available seat per kilometer) and a passenger break-even load factor of 25%. It has hedged 100% of its fuel requirements for the next three years, achieves an aircraft turnaround time of 25 minutes, has a crew productivity level that is triple that of Malaysia Airline and achieves an average aircraft utilisation rate of 13 hours per day.

Air Asia is currently the main customer on the Airbus A320. The company has placed an order of 175 units of the same plane to service its route. On December 27, 2006, Air Asia's CEO Tony Fernandes unveiled a five-year plan to further enhance its route network by connecting all the existing cities in the region and expanding further to Indochina, Indonesia, Southern China (Kun Ming, Xiamen, Shenzhen) and India. The airline will focus on developing its hub in Bangkok and Jakarta through its sister companies, Thai Air Asia. to date with a fleet of 72 air crafts, Air Asia flies to over 61 domestic and international destinations with 108 routes, and operates over 400 flights daily from hubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and has flown over 55 million guests.

Sources: Compiled from Air Asia, Tony Fernandes - Wikipedia, and from Air


Identify five (5) of competitive advantages used by Air Asia.

      i)  Asia's largest low fare
     ii)  No frills airline
    iii)  Implement fully ticketless travel
    iv)  Unassigned seats
     v)  A crew productivity level that is triple that of Malaysia Airline


Which of the Porter's Generic Strategies were applied by Air Asia in the case study and explain with examples.

According to the Porter's Generic Strategies, Air Asia has applied the cost leadership strategies which is, their business is operating in a broad market while offering the low cost airline fares. Based on the article, Air Asia is the first airline that implement fully ticketless travel and unassigned seat which means that their business was creating the competitive advantages. Air Asia also run it business not just in domestic but they also expand their schedules to the international places. For example, they have expanded the routes of their aircraft to Thailand, Indonesia and any other big and modern countries in the world. In addition, they also made a slogan that attract different status of life to travel which is "Everyone Can Fly". This slogan has been made as their goal which they offered the customers  who wants to experience a very cheap and low prices of tickets when travelling in order to made them believe in their company. This actually shows that Air Asia has applied the cost leadership strategies to operate their airline company.


Based on Porter's Five Forces Model, analyze Air Asia's buyer power and supplier power.

At first buyer power for Air Asia is low because customers do not have any other choices to buy flight tickets from a company that offered their ticket at the low price. Basically,  Air Asia has made that offered to their customers through their slogan which is " Everyone Can Fly ". By doing this, Air Asia has created their competitive advantages and the company itself as the first mover which offering the low cost fare for their customer. The slogan itself shows that different social life can travel under that airline company. But nowadays, their buyer power is high because buyers have many choices that they can choose, instead of choosing  Air Asia as their travelling agent. It is because the others airline companies such as Tiger Airways, Jetstar, Nok Air and Cebu Pacific has implement or duplicate Air Asia’s idea which is offering low cost fare to their customer.

Supplier power is also the same. At the beginning , Air Asia's supplier power is high because it is the only company that implement the low cost fare ideas in the airline markets. So, customers can purchase tickets from Air Asia if they want to cut their budget. When there are competitors that also offering the low cost fare airline, Air Asia supplier power becoming low because at that time the buyers or customers already have a lot of choices that they can select to travel which also offering the same specialty  and characteristics as Air Asia.



Explain how Apple achieved business success through the use of information, information technology and people.

As we know, information define as data converted into a meaningful and useful content. Based on this, Apple's founder actually had created products that are interesting and follow the trend nowadays. With the used of information, Apple analysis and make decision on making their product in order to increase in profits as well as satisfy their customer's need.In addition, Apple produced beneficial products toward its customer regardless their expensive price. For example, I-Pod is an mp3 device that have evaluate from time to time. I-Phone for instant, also have been upgraded and now had been released the I-Phone 7 in the market and it announcement actually had made the I-Phone's lover excited. I-Phone is a great invention that actually helps Apple beside I-Pad to compete with other companies such as Samsung and Lenovo. 

The role of information technology on how it help Apple to achieve business is by managing their information effectively. Based on the case study, we know that Apple had various products line that had it own specialty. For instant, I-Phone, I-Pad, and I-Pod. Under this product lines, it has it own functions based on their product's version; either oldest or latest. Apple's latest offering is iCloud which help to secure their products and also secure customer's privacy. This shows that Apple had upgraded their services and technology and can create a better future forward.

As for people, Apple's teamwork are among the trusted people and important in every department in order to create a promising organization. Apple had achieve a huge amount of profit which one of the reason is people inside the organizational itself. As we know, right people are being trusted to use technology in order to analyse data and I believe that this is what the organization who wanted to success in this case, Apple are practicing in each department.


Describe the types of information employees at an Apple store require and compare it to the types of information the executives at Apple’s corporate headquarters require. Are there any links between these two types of information?

Types of information employees at an Apple store required is daily, routine or day-to-day information which is also known as Transactional Information. The data that they required is more details, accurate and complex in order to help them in making analysis in every and across department. As for executives Apple's corporate headquarters, they required an information that are abstract in order to make a good decision making. This information is also known as Analytical Information. There is a links between the two types of information as it shared the same database for both employees and executives to refer and making conclusion towards the information that they received. 



Insourcing (in-house-development) – A common approach using the professional expertise within an organization to develop and maintain the organization’s information technology systems

Outsourcing – An arrangement by which one organization provides a service or services for another organization that chooses not to perform them in-house

Onshore outsourcing – engaging another company within the same country for services
Near shore outsourcing – contracting an outsourcing arrangement with a company in a nearby country
Offshore outsourcing – using organizations from developing countries to write code and develop systems

Big selling point for offshore outsourcing “inexpensive good work”

Factors driving outsourcing growth include;

·         Core competencies-
·         Financial savings
·         Rapid growth
·         Industry changes
·         The Internet
·         Globalization

Most organizations outsource their noncore business functions


Outsourcing benefits include;

o   Increased quality and efficiency
o   Reduced operating expenses
o   Outsourcing non-core processes
o   Reduced exposure to risk
o   Economies of scale, expertise and best practices
o   Access to advanced technologies
o   Increased flexibility
o   Avoid costly outlay of capital funds
o   Reduced headcount and associated overhead expense
o   Reduced time to market for products or services


Outsourcing challenges include;

o   Contract length
1.            Difficulties in getting out of a contract
2.            Problems in foreseeing future needs
3.            Problems in reforming an internal IT department after the contract is finished

o   Competitive edge

o   Confidentiality

o   Scope definition 



Organizations create and use teams, partnerships and alliances to;

o   Undertake new initiatives
o   Address both minor and major problems
o   Capitalize on significant opportunities

Organizations create teams, partnerships and alliances both internally with employees and externally with other organizations

Collaboration system – supports the work of teams by facilitating the sharing and flow of information

Information partnerships with other organizations

Organizations from alliance and partnerships with other organizations based on their core competency

o   Core competency – An organization’s key strength, a business function that it does better than any of its competitors

o   Core competency strategy – Organization chooses to focus specifically on its core competency and forms partnerships with other organizations to handle nonstrategic business processes

Information technology can make a business partnership easier to establish and manage
o   Information partnerships – Occurs when two or more organizations cooperate by integrating their IT systems, thereby providing customers with the best of what each can offer

The internet has dramatically increased the ease and availability for IT – enabled organizational alliance and partnerships


Collaboration solves specific business tasks such as telecommuting, online meetings, deploying applications, and remote project and sales management

Collaboration system – An IT- based set of tools that supports the work of teams by facilitating the sharing and flow of information.

Two categories of collaboration
1.       Unstructured collaboration (information collaboration) – includes document exchange, shared whiteboards, discussion forums, and email.
2.       Structured collaboration (process collaboration) – involves shared participation in business processes such as workflow in which knowledge is hard-coded as rules


Collaboration systems include;
Knowledge management systems
Content management systems
Workflow management systems
Groupware systems


Knowledge management (KM) – involves capturing, classifying, evaluating, retrieving and sharing information assets in a way that provides context for effective decisions and actions
Knowledge management system – supports the capturing and use of an organization’s “know-how”


Intellectual and knowledge-based assets fall into two categories;
1.       Explicit knowledge – consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified, often with the help of IT
2.       Tacit knowledge – knowledge contained in people’s heads

The following are two best practices for transferring or recreating tacit knowledge
1.       Shadowing – less experienced staff observe more experienced staff to learn how their more experienced counterparts approach their work
2.       Joint problem solving – a novice and expert work together on a project


Knowledge Management system include
-          Knowledge repositories
-          Expertise tools
-          E-learning applications
-          Discussion and chat technologies
-          Search and data mining tools

How information flows:

o   Social Networking Analysis (SNA) – a process of mapping a group’s contacts (whether personal or professional ) to identify who knows whom and who works with whom.

o   SNA provides a clear picture of how employees and division work together and help identify key experts.


Content management system (CMS) – provides tools to manage the creation, storage, editing and publication of information in a collaborative environment

CMS marketplace includes;

o   Document management system (DMS)- support the electronic capturing, storage, distribution, archival, and accessing of document
o   Digital assets management system (DAM)- similar with DMS generally works with binary rather than text files, such as multimedia files types
o   Web content management system (WCM)- adds an additional layer to document and digital asset management that enables publishing content both to intranet and to public websites


Wikis – web-based tools that make it easy for users to add, remove, and change online content
Business wikis – collaborative web pages that allows users to edit documents, share ideas or monitor the status of a project


Work activities can be performed in series or in parallel that involves people and automated computer systems

Workflow – defines all the steps or business rules, from beginning to end, required for a business process

Workflow management system – facilitates the automation and management of business processes and controls the movement of work through the business process

Messaging-based workflow system – sends work assignments through an email system

Database-based workflow system – stores documents in a central location and automatically asks the team members to access the document when it is their turn to edit the document


Groupware technologies

Groupware – software that supports teams interaction and dynamics including calendaring, scheduling and videoconferencing 


Web conferencing – blends audio, video and document-sharing technologies to create virtual meeting rooms where people “gather” at a password-protected website


Video conference – A set of interactive telecommunication technologies that allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously 


Email is the dominant form of collaboration application, but real-time collaboration tools like instant messaging are creating a new communication dynamic

Instant messaging – types of communications service that enables someone to create a kind of private chat room with another individual to communicate in real-time over the internet

Instant messaging application 



The internet is a powerful channel that presents new opportunities for organization to;

-          Touch customers
-          Enrich products and services with information
-          Reduce costs


Differences  between E- commerce and E-business

E-commerce – the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet

E-business – the conducting of business on the internet including, not only buying and selling, but also serving customers and collaborating with business partners

Industries Using E business 


E-business model – An approach to conducting electronic business on the Internet 


Electronic marketplace (E market place) – interactive business communities providing a central market where multiple buyers and sellers can engage in e business activities. 


Common B2C e business models include;

E shop – A version of retail store where customers can shop at any hour of the day without leaving their home or office
E mall – consists of a number of e shops; it serves as a gateway through which a visitor can access other e shops

Business types;

Brick-and-mortar business- operates in physical store without an Internet presence
Pure-play business – a business that operates on the Internet only without a physical store
Click-and-mortar business – a business that operates in both physical stores and on the Internet


Individual efforts toward the business

The demand for C2B e business will increase over the next few years due to customer’s desire for greater convenience and lower prices


Online auctions

Electronic auction (E auction) – Sellers and buyers solicit consecutive bids from each other and prices are determined dynamically
Forward auction – Sellers use as a selling channel to many buyers and the highest bid wins
Reverse auction – Buyers use to purchase a product or service, selecting the seller with the lowest bid

C2C communities include;

Communities of interest – People interact with each other on specific topics, such as golfing and stamps collecting
Communities of relations – People come together to share certain life experiences, such as cancer patients, senior citizens, and car enthusiasts
Communities of fantasy – People participate in imaginary environments, such as fantasy football teams and playing one-to-one with Michael Jordan


E business benefits include;
Highly accessible
Increased customer loyalty
Improved information content
Increased convenience
Increased global reach
Decreased cost

E business challenges include;
Protecting consumers
Leveraging existing systems
Increased liability
Providing security
Adhering to taxation rules

There are numerous advantages and limitations in e business revenue models including;
Transaction fees
License fees
Subscription fees
Value-added fees
Advertising fees


Web mash up – A Web site or Web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new services

Application programming interface (API) – A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications

Mash up editor – WSYIWYGs (What You See Is What You Get) for mash ups